Letters From Africa

Great news from our representative in South Africa – the Saturn Bubbler has finally arrived in its new home in Durban. Here is a letter and photos from our representative who was there to witness this wondrous event…

“Thank you to everyone for your prayers! The First RCsL Saturn Bubbler created for South Africa is now up in Durban, KwaZulu Natal and radiating its blessing current throughout the country. After weeks of customs and delivery problems, it arrived in perfect condition!

The Swan’s, whose home now holds the Bubbler, was so impressed with the care and consciousness of its packaging and presentation – well done the production team!! The man who eventually delivered it late Tuesday was apparently very interested to know what it was, obviously drawn to it. Nick Swan said although he hadn’t connected much with the Wands and Discs yet, the presence of the Bubbler, even while not set up and still in its boxes was enormous!

On Wednesday morning I drove back from the African bush where I had stayed the night at Thula Thula, a reserve run with such passion and dedication to conservation and the environment. The founder Lawrence Anthony passed away last year but his work with elephants and the endangered rhino continues in the dedication of those still at Thula Thula. It felt so good to have the Travelling Bubbler, Tao House and Bright Room there for the night… As I explained to my young friends when they asked what they are for; “to energize and strengthen all the ‘good’ heartfelt work people are doing, and dissolve all the ‘bad’ stuff that doesn’t support the ‘good’.”

Spending the early morning with wild rhino, zebra, giraffe, kudu and more… Trekking through the bush with our Zulu ranger was very special as I could feel the ‘promise’ of the Bubbler already coming into the land and could hear the words from the Poem “These are my animals”.

The Zulu word for hello is Sawubona, which translates as ‘I see you’ – used in the movie Avatar. Like the movie, the minded heartless destruction of nature in Africa is a real threat and ongoing battle. Yet there are also so many people doing such selfless, heartfelt work as well that ‘hope springs eternal’. Now the Saturn Bubbler is here, it is a great boost for the healing and restoration of at least South Africa, and may we get other Bubblers throughout Africa soon!

Back in Durban where I was staying is a small forest called the Hawan forest, with over 140 species of trees. Apparently, in the whole of Europe there are fewer than 100! There is so much of the natural world that needs protecting here…

On setting up the Saturn Bubbler with Michele and Freda Swan, the joy and current were magnificent. Both Michele and Freda already engage the Energies (Wands, Discs, and Pendants thanks to our friend in Texas – Deva, Michele’s sister), so they were able to conduct the mighty vibratory current. Each Sphere was celebrated, felt and combined with before being placed… Each Energy a profound and infinite blessing beyond mind, at one perfectly with existence, yet prior to all that appears to be. The force of it entering was one of the most intense Bubblers I have ever experienced and also the most blissful, as the Energy burst through the layers of energy blocks in us and then out into the greater environment… Not just the land and animals, but the ocean currents, the stratosphere, the poles of the earth, all felt, considered and responded to by the Blessing of the Saturn Bubbler…. We were all 3 of us awed by its intensity of heart and Divine current…

Once complete, we read ‘Come to the Heart’ and then sat in the ever-expanding waves of Light Love- Bliss current washing through us and infinitely out through enfolded, unfolded space.

Nick then arrived home and joined us, also drinking and delighting in the current and profound blessing of being a guardian home for the Saturn Bubbler. He too could feel how it represented such a strengthening of the life-positive attributes. We spoke of how, in the human body when meridians and the energy circuits are blocked, our innate healing capacity is negated and then problems compound. Until the energy can flow freely again it is difficult to near impossible for the healing to occur. The Saturn Bubblers, as an incredible Divine Technology, clearly move to dissolve the energetic blocks in the greater environment, so the innate healing source can be reactivated and flow more freely. As the Dali Lama’s oracle said all those years ago when he felt these Products, this is “healing from the future’.

Nick, Freda, and Michele are now travelling from the east coast of South Africa to the west, driving Freda to university in Cape Town. They are loaded up with Bubbler water and listening to Showme on the Heart of Space CD, drinking, feeling, expanding and continuing the witness of the Saturn Bubbler grounding into South Africa.

We all felt so blessed to participate in the set up and grateful to the Heart of love that has given the world the gift of Saturn Bubblers at this critical time for the Earth. It was a potent and poignant reminder that the help we need is right here, available now if we ‘grasp the hand that still holds out’. We marveled that one of the most significant events was occurring for South Africa in the set up of the Bubbler and yet so few people even know of it. It truly does behoove those of us who do know to be responsible for the gift of this awareness and do all we can to allow more Bubblers and Hearts of Space to enter the world.

It was hard to leave with the Travelling Bubbler knowing the support it can lend to the ongoing healing of the country, especially in the interactions between people and politics. I pray we can find a way to return soon with a Travelling Bubble and Fractaliser to complete the Heart of Space.

Thank you to Jessa and Showme for the unfathomable gift they have brought to the world, and to all in Hermes, who ensure the Products get out. Finally a big thank you to Contour for her incredible generosity in donating this Saturn Bubbler

P.S. apparently Durban is on a ley line that stretches all the way to Cairo, Egypt!” – Theme Rains

Africa SB Complete Africa SB - setting up Africa SB Touching Light Ball