Help Restore The Canberra Bubbler

Help Restore The Canberra Bubbler

Hello friends. We are putting the call out to help us reinstate the Canberra (A.C.T.) Saturn Bubbler at this most critical time in Australia. The Bubbler was placed there many years ago and has since been dismantled, leaving us without Hermetic support in our nation’s capital and political heart of the Country.

Over the history of our work, there have been Bubblers gifted to be placed, by generous donors who really feel the importance of the Heart Of Space Movement and want to help support the Hermetic holding of the earth plane. Unfortunately, sometimes a Bubbler may change hands without our knowledge, due to unforeseen circumstances, and along the way the awareness of its sacred nature is lost.

This is currently the case with the ACT (Canberra) Saturn Bubbler. It was not appreciated by the people who were holding it and was packed away in a garage. Subsequently, in the process Bubbler base and cylinders were damaged beyond repair. (Fortunately the Bubbler Spheres are all intact and safe).

Having discovered the plight of the Canberra Bubbler, we have taken possession of the spheres, and have found a person in right relationship to the Hermetic Artefacts who would love to be the custodian of Bubbler.

We are calling for a fundraiser to be able to replace the base AT COST in order to re-establish this most important tool at this time!

Considering the current environmental and political situation in Australia, we feel this is a very significant Bubbler project at this time. Our country is crying out for a shift in consciousness at the level of Federal Government, an awakening to heart.

We are calling for all in Australia to help us re-establish the Canberra Bubbler now, to support the shift in consciousness and grounding of the Light into Canberra – the ‘head’ of the nation. Please click on this link to donate now. Every little bit helps! Blessings and eternal gratitude for your support and recognition of this sacred esoteric work.

AUS Bushfire Worldwide Meditation

AUS Bushfire Worldwide Meditation

There is a major crisis unfolding in Australia with wildfires raging out of control in four states. Several people have already lost their lives, homes have been destroyed and thousands of animals have perished. This is an unprecedented event with no end in sight…!

We are calling all to come together in Unity with us to meditate, visualise, pray and invoke a shift in this entire situation – knowing that we can invoke a change in the weather, connecting to Divine Grace, Mother Nature, and calling for cool, rain soaking events now!

*No previous experience with the Heart Of Space is necessary. All are welcome! This is a free, open, non-denominational event – gathering all with an open heart, to stand with us in prayer, unity and invoke a Graceful change to this circumstance now. (Learn more about the Heart Of Space –

*For those who know the Alchymie of the Heart Of Space, we will be specifically utilising the esoteric Energies of these artefacts right across the nation. If you have access to a Heart Of Space, we invite you to gather in groups at these points.

Time – Friday 10th Jan (AEST)

This is a FREE Event – no prior Alchymie experience needed!

Who Won The Fractaliser?

Who Won The Fractaliser?

Thank you to all who participated in this years Fractaliser giveaway! The Fractaliser was drawn on Christmas Eve! The winner is…

Ticket No.14 – Samvega – Ethical Activewear

 This Fractaliser will soon be making its way to Argentina – the first large Alchymeic Artefact to enter the country. Watch this space…! The guys at Samvega are making a great commitment to helping bring the Heart of Space Alchymie to Argentina. This Fractaliser will be the seed planted and they hope to complete a full Heart of Space in 2020. Go guys! We are here to support you as much as we can.

Look out for the Argentina HOS fundraising project coming soon…!