We are truly excited and inspired to invite you our next ‘Heart Of Space Week’ for 2021! This is a world-wide celebration, meditation & prayer – to bring everyone together at the Heart and offer not only energetic support, but powerful Unity gatherings to shift the Consciousness. Read on to see how you can participate. All welcome!
(*Registration links Below)
Times & Zoom Links
Here are the time zones and zoom links for you to register. All Welcome!
*Make sure you click on the ‘link’ and register for each gathering you wish to join!
Come join in this extraordinary event and be a part of the true ‘Esoteric revolution’ taking place at this time
What Is ‘Heart Of Space Week’ & How Do I Participate?
‘Heart Of Space Week’ is a week long celebration of the Heart Of Space. Traditionally we invite people to come together wherever they can to visit the Bubblers and participate with the energy directly. However, because of the current ‘social-distancing’ worldwide, these events are going to be held on Zoom. We do invite our Bubbler holders to gather people where they can, however everyone is welcome to join in wherever you are. During Heart of Space Week, five Zoom events will take place – one for each major region/time zone of the planet where there are Bubblers and Heart of Space. These gatherings provide support and energetic healing, transformation and awakening worldwide as well as bringing a deep restorative blessing for the earth plane itself! Coming together in unity to breathe, meditate & pray is the greatest thing we can be doing. Having access to the amazing Heart Of Space energies is a profound gift in accelerating this shift now! Come and be a part of the ‘Esoteric Solution’. Breathe, Meditate, Pray!
*All five zoom links are available to everyone worldwide and everyone is invited to participate on as many zooms as possible!
What You Need In Order To Join In…
All you need is an open heart, a willingness to participate in a spiritual, transformative, unity event with your ‘heart friends’ around the world, and bring your energy, love and desire for growth and healing worldwide. That’s it!
(*Well there are a couple of ‘practical’ things, like being in a quiet space free from distractions and being comfortable etc… but we’ll send all registrants a detailed list of how to prepare).