The Israel Saturn Bubbler is on the move… and you are invited to be part of re-establishing it in it’s new sanctuary!

The Israel Saturn Bubbler is on the move… and you are invited to be part of re-establishing it in it’s new sanctuary!

Sometimes Bubblers need to be moved. These moments are opportunities for us all to re-connect with the energy of a particular Bubbler and to celebrate their energy all over again. Every Bubbler has a unique set of esoteric Energies on it. Every Bubbler is a world of esoteric blessing unto itself! No matter how old a Bubbler is, their presence is an eternal ‘portal of light’ alive with Divine Radiance – forever radiating out to all beings to connect with and enjoy. 

The re-establishment of the Israel Saturn Bubbler is an event that will be celebrated by many Heart Of Space Members all over the world. And you are invited to join in! But first… let us tell you a little about the Israel Bubbler…

A Little About Israel’s First Saturn Bubbler & Heart Of Space

The first esoteric energy to enter Israel was the Fractaliser – a key component in a Heart Of Space. Then a fundraiser was held to purchase a Saturn Bubbler for Israel in 2003. This event was met with such enthusiasm and heart – and people from all over the world donated to make this happen.

A phone conference with well over 100 people took place to ‘witness’ and feel the energy of the Bubbler entering Israel for the fist time. After that event, there was a gradual movement to complete the Heart of Space and many people again moved together to purchase a Traveling Bubbler to finally complete the Heart Of Space.

There was such a feeling of achievement that in addition to this, a Qualitative Evolution Bubbler was donated several years later! Israel was well placed with it’s esoteric current and the Heart Of Space Movement had begun there.

We have recently been in touch with the original Bubbler holder Judy, to hear more of
her story and see what is happening in Israel now with the Heart of Space. 

“How can I begin to describe the wonder and delight of having the honour of holding a Heart of Space in this troubled area of the world? Seeing other people’s reaction to just seeing these wonderful energies reminds me of the wonderful set of synchronicities that brought me unknowingly to the exhibition in London those years ago where I was introduced to the energies, and then the Heart of Space to my home soon after. 

Many years ago, I felt an unrelenting push to travel to London. I visit quite often as I have family there and even though I had no particular reason, I followed my heart. At the airport I met a friend who just happened to be flying to London as well and was headed to the Mind Body Spirit Expo which I didn’t even know was being held. I decided to join her and suddenly, laid eyes on a Travelling Bubbler. The lady there told me that The Travelling Bubbler was there to help clear the energy of all of London… “Well, we could really do with one of those in Israel” was my response. One thing lead to another and within 5 minutes, a Fractaliser had been generously donated to Israel, to come home with me! During the next few years I was blessed with a Saturn Bubbler, a Travelling Bubbler to complete the heart of Space, and in time a Qualitative Evolution Bubbler that replaced the Saturn Bubbler (which has travelled around a bit since then into a few peoples homes, as I hadn’t enough room and was happy to share with others).

“…as soon as we set the Saturn Bubbler up, the rain started for the fist time in a long time. And once it started, it went on and on and on… the Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberius, filled up for the first time in years!

An interesting thing I remember was that the year the Saturn Bubbler arrived, we had a serious drought here in Israel (and I remember there was one in Australia as well). I had requested energies for this to go on the Bubbler before it was sent here. And as soon as we set the Saturn Bubbler up, the rain for the fist time in a long time. And once it started, it went on and on and on… and the Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberius, filled up for the first time in years! In the 20 years since, this has only happened again now.

The Heart of Space is such a blessing and I think of the miracles that brought it to Israel and to my home with much gratitude and wonderment. I am eternally grateful for everyone who has made having a Heart of Space in Israel possible. We all hope and pray that these energies continue to be a source of pure light in this area and that this light will continue to expand and bring healing and peace to the Middle East and to the whole world.” — Judy Granit 

Judy will be setting up the Saturn Bubbler in a new home on Thursday 4th June
at 11.30am Tel Aviv (6.30pm Australia).
All ‘Silver’ & ‘Gold’ Heart Of Space Members are invited to join us on a special Zoom Event.

‘Corona Cocoon’

‘Corona Cocoon’

We are hearing a lot of discussion about the ‘Corona Cocoon’ – a state of gestation if you like that many of us our finding ourselves in, during this time of lockdown and severing from the old paradigm of existence. People are discovering the opportunity to stay close and stay safe, and protect what is fragile. In this inward movement, there is an unwinding of stress and coping mechanisms, and we begin to find a more easeful way of moving through each day.

From a spiritual point of view, we have been given a moment to “stop the world”, take time to come back to feeling, to reflect, to develop and nurture deep listening, and to really consider in our hearts what kind of world we want to be co-creating on the other side of this Pandemic.

There is an opportunity here for real change – and many people around the world are recognising this! Many of us clearly understand that the old ways of being, the old paradigm, was not only not working, but it was significantly contributing to the destruction and devastation of not only our own humanity, but our beautiful planet.

Prominent spiritual ecologists have recognised that the state of the planet is not separate from the state of human consciousness – and that the planet will only truly have a possibility to heal as we begin to “wake up” and make choices to move away from that which destructs, and towards that which regenerates. This discussion is being further fuelled by images from around the world of a planet that is starting to clean itself up – water ways clearing, animals returning, pollution dissolving, ozone holes healing. As the usual movement of human activity is suspended, the earth plane is showing signs of recovery. And it’s becoming blatantly obvious even to mainstream society, which is provoking a lot of thought and discussion.

In the recent essay by Charles Eisenstein “The Coronation”, he states :”Covid-19 is showing us that when humanity is united in common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible.” And spiritualist author Elizabeth Peru, speaks of the COVID19 Pandemic as a “global wake up call” where humanitarian’s makes the shift from “me” to “we”.

For those of us who have a connection to the esoteric levels of existence, we absolutely recognise that for real change to occur for the regeneration of our planet, we as human beings need to awaken to a greater level of feeling connection to the planet, to one another, and to our own connection to the Divine. This connection can be supported immensely within the sacred current of a Heart of Space centre, as these energy points transmute and dissolve many levels of energetic impact that come to interfere with our receptivity and heart communion.


Spotlight: ‘The Year 2000 – The First Australian Bubblers Arrive

Spotlight: ‘The Year 2000 – The First Australian Bubblers Arrive

 As the first Bubblers were being placed in the USA and people were beginning to experience the radiant glow and purifying force of their presence pulsing out across the earth, the 1st  Bubblers were also being placed in Australia.

This was the second country to receive and experience the Heart Of Space, and people were loving it!


1st April 2000,
The first Saturn Bubbler was placed in
Brisbane Queensland, Australia.

The first ever Bubbler to be placed in Austrlaia was in the state of Queensland. Many people had been invited to attend the special ceremony that accompanies a Bubbler setup and there was quite a buzz amongst those attending, about experiencing this amazing new esoteric presence.

“I was attending another workshop up near Brisbane doing energy work. The word was already out that the Saturn Bubblers were going to be coming to Australia. One of the participants in the workshop, who was familiar with the Alchymie announced that he would be gesturing a 50% cash deposit for the first Saturn Bubbler to get underway and be made. Everyone was so excited…” G.H

A gathering was organised for the installation of the Bubbler and anyone in the area from the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane were invited to attend. Once the word got out, lots of people drove from all over, even from as far away as Byron Bay in Northern NSW (a 4hr drive). There were well over 60 people in attendance – many people from far and wide totally embracing a mysterious and happy moment. The energy between all entering into the space was both sobering and at the same time full of heart and love.

“The intensity of current on arriving at the venue before the bubbler set up was pretty mind blowing really. I felt as though I knew a lot of these people, even though I’d never met them…. It confirmed in my heart, that I want to be part of this… I remember looking at so many faces and so much wonder… – U.V

Everything was laid out beautifully in preparation for the installation and the set up ceremony was orchestrated and held in sacredness, which was obvious and tangible.

“It was like walking into another dimension, nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I remember the intensity and expansion of energy building up as each Bubbler ball was being placed on the structure. Many of us got the opportunity to hold the glass Bubbler balls and feel the energy of them before they were placed, which was simply amazing with each one” – G.H

“Unbeknown to us, 3 hours had passed in a moment. Time had stood still. The finish and rounding out occurred as we witnessed Showme for the first time completely and utterly surrender into the Love Bliss current after this birthing. I was in awe and I was in love, feeling like I was totally beyond this place.” – U.V

The first Australian Saturn Bubbler was up! The ceremony was a seamless, graceful event and the entire space was full of bliss. All were swooning in a current of love and happiness. Everyone took their time to empower bottles of water to take home with them and many people lingered for hours after. The family who’d facilitated the initial donation to purchase this first Australian Bubbler were totally delighted and overwhelmed with the response…

“My desire for Australias’ first Saturn Bubbler that was placed in Queensland on the 1st April 2000, was to open the heart of the people in this state and spread that energy throughout Australia, so that the people of Australia can come into true feeling of the Divine current. After being a part of and witnessing the setting up ceremony that accompanied the Bubbler, I knew that this vision had already been fulfilled. The energy that surrounded this ceremony was massive and everyone that attended felt the love that was, and always will be generated to all. I am eternally grateful. That night I did not sleep. Sure, I laid down and tried and tried, I did until the early hours of the morning when I arose I proceeded with the day as per usual – my feelings were and still are as I write this two days after the event, that there has been a profound change. Not just in me but in all around me. I can not properly put this into words. Something I can say, is about my back, which having been a builder had been a constant problem for most of my working life. I have attended chiropractors since my early twenties. Without going into all the ins and outs of aches and pains, my worse recent back misalignment has existed for approximately two years now with the chiropractor telling me that this was going to be difficult to treat. He was right as I get little or no relief from my visits to him. In actual fact my last visit only aggravated the situation. On the morning after Saturn Bubbler ceremony my back was 90% better than it had been for two years. Thank you for this beautiful gift. I am really looking forward to the ongoing blessing of living with this special energy and watching how things evolve around me and for my family !” – H.V

Spotlight: The Second Australian Bubbler

Spotlight: The Second Australian Bubbler

The second Bubbler to arrive in Australia drew one of the most significant responses ever reflected in nature to the esoteric force. In ‘energetic’ terms and in the psychic vision of those who were present, this was a really big deal..!

4th May, 2000
The second Australian Saturn Bubbler was placed in Sydney,
(the first for the State of New South Wales)

There was a small group gathered to be a part of the special ceremony to install the Bubbler in Sydney. It was a stunning day, crystal clear skys, not a cloud in sight… Those who’d gathered to participate in this ceremony were mostly new to this esoteric work, but had some experience with spiritual matters and energy work.

“…Afterwards the Bubbler was set up, we sat for an hour just looking and feeling. It was as though it began to spin at light speed. There were moments when we were all spontaneously resting in that mindless, blissful space where everything came to rest and all structure dissolved, all feelings of self and separation – nobody standing out but Only God. I know this sounds cliche but it’s like being on another plane or dimension altogether. I know in my heart that the Bubbler has already dissolved a great deal of the density of this state of NSW. The air is easier to breath and cleaner, the sun feels brighter and more purifying and a great dark cloud has been lifted from around my head. This is really something…! Thank you” – M.T

After the Bubbler was completed, something very intense happened…. Massive purple and black clouds began to appear out of nowhere, turning yellow and green above the whole city and turning the sky into something akin to a sifi movie. This was completely unexpected! The wind picked up, very light to begin, but grew with intensity over the nexft 30min. Then the rain came out of nowhere…! Then suddenly, like a flick of a switch, the wind and rain stopped and great hush came over the land.

Here’s the article that was written in the Sydney Morning Herald the day after the Bubbler was installed… one of Australia’s most prominent and respected newspapers…

By JAMES WOODFORD Environment Writer

“It was huge, it was beautiful. There were a few flashes and bangs in it” . . . but the spectacular sky show that hovered menacingly over Sydney at 2 pm yesterday was all bluff.

The skies turned apocalyptic yesterday — and Sydney stood still, and waited. As a massive sharp-edged black cloud rolled in, Independent Day style, drivers caught in traffic looked up nervously, beachgoers stood motionless, pondering lightning strikes, and those caught up in last autumn’s hailstorm thought — here we go again. The maelstrom appeared as Weather Bureau staff were preparing for their World Meteorology Day drinks, and the forecasters were just as impressed by the spectacle as the rest of the city’s residents. 

“It was huge, it was beautiful. There were a few flashes and bangs in it,” a spokesman said. But it was all bluff — some of the most spectacular clouds since April 12, 1999, when hail wrought more than $1 billion damage across the suburbs, dissipated as quickly as they had appeared. The clouds had struck almost exactly at 2 pm and were the flagbearers for the cold front that the bureau has been forecasting for the past few days. Like home and car-owners, however, the bureau was relieved that the front passed without incident, and no major warnings were issued. This was “because there was no severe weather” the bureau spokesman said.

But for the city that has become used to counting the daily rainfall using the fingers of both hands, yesterday was also a disappointment — between 9am and 3pm a mere 5 millimetres fell on Sydney. The city had reached a maximum of 24 degrees before the change arrived and todays temperature is expected to reach 21 degrees. Oh yes. and there should be more showers and cooler conditions through the Weekend.

From The Bubbler Holder Herself…

“…When the Bubbler was placed in our lounge room I felt the energy as a great relaxed, relieved melting and the cool, green uplifting… Even the map in the middle felt crisp, happy and bright. It’s been over 3 weeks now and often I feel the Bubbler as a wonderful energy field, without beginning or end. This field encompasses and flows through all, including the body-mind, without obstruction. When I tune into its energy while at work, it feels the same, and the breath becomes noticeably more obvious—the body wasn’t really breathing before tuning in…  Last Friday, I came home from work and the energy in the house was so strong…! People have moved from their heart quite noticeably since I committed to the Bubbler and have not charged me for some quite expensive services, such as car repairs and road service—I did not ask for these, they were given. Late video returns have not been charged for and all my winter clothes for work were also given to me. Something as simple as asking for a video has resulted in heart-warming communication between myself and the person whole heartedly and with feeling. Thank you for God’s Perfect Response to the pollution in the soil, air and water and to that which creates it. Nothing will ever be the same…” D.B

Some More Testimonials From Sydney-siders who were at the first Sydney Bubbler installation… 

“…The Bubbler was a presence of its own and it was birthing itself into this world, we simply had to yield to it… My hands had so much current through them I couldn’t feel them, they weren’t tangible as flesh, and each breath was breathing in light that nourished and lifted the form. The presence of the Saturn Bubbler was and is an undeniable force and loving blessing. When we went outside, I stood in awe and just breathed it all in. The trees, the land, the birds, the light everything was alive with the Divine current…I could feel the Saturn Bubblers presence everywhere and that was when I began to comprehend
the sheer magnitude of this Gracious Gift and the blessing of it. It was one thing to feel its presence in front of you in the room, but to walk out and feel it everywhere is a wonder… the omnipresence of the Divine. I lay on the grass in the sun feeling the breath and current moving through everything. I could literally see currents of energy moving through the land in waves like a mirage. The earth no-longer felt hard with ‘other’ energetics there was a Pristine quality and newness to everything. We spent an hour sitting with the Bubbler and witnessed moments where time was suspended and we each dissolved into the mystery, no-one just deliciously in the moment…” J.B

“The day dawned clear and bright and the sun shone. It was indeed a wonderful and memorable day in my life—one that will stay with me always. I felt very privileged and say with much gratitude for the invitation to be present at the setting up of the Saturn Bubbler in Sydney. I carried Touching Light Sphere – my whole body sang with the joy, so much energy, more than ever. It was indeed a very precious and emotion-filled time. As each Energy was placed in position one had to keep waking up the body to receive them. The Energies were just so powerful and mind-blowing. When the map of NSW and final Sphere of Energies were in place I felt I wanted to breathe in forever. I’m quite convinced my lung capacity has expanded considerably since then. The sunlight came through the window and embraced the Spheres showing the beauty, richness and variation of the colours. Such a wonderful day. On Sunday I felt stronger mentally and physically. I was very busy but at the same time accomplished many things of giving attention to detail. Everything seemed to flow-I
procrastinate or leave any tasks unfinished. I had energy and will to get on with everything that needed to be done. Today is the same When thinking of the Saturn Bubbler it fills me with a sense of possibility and wonder. God is Gracious.” B.Z

“Every time the Bubbler was turned with a new energy, I felt it integrate more and more. By the time the map was ready to go in it was burning through my hands. After the alignment I lay on the grass out the front to yield even more. The world was not the same anymore, it didn’t even feel like the same planet. Thank you”. – D.S.F

“All were touched deeply and could feel the intensification of the energy throughout the body and room, I could feel, with every breath, each energy entering my whole form and field, like a huge sphere of light and intense vibration coming through the crown and heart, merging and expanding. My heart space just continued to expand and expand as the whole room and all present merged with the energy. . . My experience when carrying the Nuclear Tracker around the room, was that I could feel it deep within my own form as though it had fully entered and had become all of my body and field. I could feel it clearing each individual as I took it around and for each there was a definite moment when a heart opening took place and it seemed to enter their heart .. ‘ My level of comprehension of what was happening and what this matter represents to the World seemed so miniscule in relation to what was being experienced which was totally beyond all words that could ever be expressed. After the structure was complete and
activated, we each had a drink of the Saturn Bubbler energy and sat speechless, feeling the purification taking place and the delicious intensity.

The breath had become easier, the weight was lifted from within and around my body, the radiance of each one present was obvious. There was nothing to say…only the breath…We sat gazing at the Bubbler feeling the energy continuing to intensify and feeling ourselves merging in and out of time and space. It was hard to leave, but Manly Beach was calling for a delicious swim and our first opportunity to feel the Saturn Bubbler in the outside world! The lightness of every breath and every cell of my body was indescribable… then and now! I remember the taste and fizz in the water and food we ate, which had been passed over the Bubbler…it was truly alive and tingling! The sea at Manly was truly Pristine, ‘fresh’ and alive. The next day brings more lightness, more life current and a sense of a huge oppressive weight being lifted from the body and the bodily field (and Sydney). I now know whole bodily that this World will ‘never be the same’ through the gracious sacrifice. May all come to feel this radiance and choose to be released. All were touched deeply and could feel the intensification of the energy throughout the body and room… Thank you God!” – N.P.

The Power Of The Travelling Bubbler

The Power Of The Travelling Bubbler

Travelling Bubbler is a powerful psychic clearing
and a mighty esoteric force…!”

Every human being has a number of energy fields (called the aura), that are constantly affected by interactions with other people and the many places that we visit. We may notice that when we go to places where people are stressed, exhausted, in conflict, sick, that we are affected by these energetic communications (the psychic dimension of existence), and this may correlate in an apparent shift of our own personal level of energy and attention. The  Travelling Bubbler is an Alchymeically Imbued Artifact designed specifically for the psychic clearing and transmuting of environmental, psychic influences that surround our daily living.

The Travelling Bubbler consists of fourteen hand-blown, coloured liquid-filled glass spheres resting on highly polished clear cylinders over a revolving base, (similar to the Saturn Bubbler), yet miniature in size. Each glass sphere holds several specifically selected Energies, which in its complete form hold the exquisite purifying presence of the Travelling Bubbler. The Travelling Bubbler is intended to deal with these energetic aspects of life, to create ‘space’ for real intelligence, heartfelt communication and a psychically clearer environment to live in.

“…Its original intention was to be a travelling ‘Saturn Bubbler’…”

History Of The Travelling Bubbler

The first of all bubblers to be created was the Saturn Bubbler. There was a great response to its energy and many people wanted to see and feel it first hand, but it was too large to travel with and thus the Travelling Bubbler was created. Its original intention was to be a travelling ‘Saturn Bubbler’.

Yet during its creation, the Travelling Bubbler took on as part of its intention to address the energy field, aura, or subtle dimensions of existence, and several Alchymeic Energies were added to help with this function over time. The Travelling Bubbler also took up its place several years ago as an intrinsic part of the Heart of Space, providing the psychic clearing dimension to this powerful trio of Alchymeic Artifacts.

However, since the inception of the ‘Radiant Conscious Light’ intensification across the entire Hermetic Product range, many of the larger artifacts that were created years ago, appeared to require specific intensification’s. Now, with this vast intensification and evolution, the new Travelling Bubbler has finally arrived at its true form – the powerful psychic clearing artifact given to address all of the psychic toxicity and communicated stress which needs to be lifted at this time to allow the emergence of the enlightened form.

Psychic Clearing Energies

The Travelling Bubbler contains a very powerful combination of esoteric, clearing energies. Each sphere has been specifically designed energetically, to touch and transform our auras and the aura of our environments and thus allow a much greater psychic space and clearing of our extended psychic fields. The Travelling Bubblers are amongst some of the most penetrating, yet liberating combinations of Alchymeic Energies that have ever been released to the world.

The Map, which resides in the central cylinder of the Travelling Bubbler, holds the intention to give the Bubbler its direction. Without this specialised map, the Bubbler will not function. A major aspect of the empowerment of the Travelling Bubbler is the central Map. It states…

“Radiant Conscious Light That Is Reality Travelling Bubbler seeks its own perimeter,
which may or may not coincide with the perimeter of some actual city,
it may be larger or smaller, since it seeks what serves most obviously.”

The full list of Alchymeic Energies on the Travelling Bubbler

(Note – ‘Arr’ in the name of an Energy means Arranging.)

SPHERE 1 – (5 Energies)

Hardware Alien Below the Plane of the Ecliptic
The Unholy Arr 288
Concoction 16
Light Breaks Where No Light Shines

SPHERE 2 – (5 Energies)

Fractal Earth Arr 362
Jack and the Bean Stalk
Wellspring Arr 289
Bright Water Arr 247

SPHERE 3 (7 Energies)

Touching Light
Angel “There’s a Kind of Hush All Over the World”
Lotus Pond Arr 296
Angel of Compassion
Angel Melchizedek
Cloak of Doubt
Angel of Light Adaptation

SPHERE 4 – (7 Energies)

Primary Heart Energy Arr 354
Heart of Space Arr 12
Intelligence of the Heart Arr 147
The Heart is All
Heart’s Code Wizard
Arr 343
In My Company

SPHERE 5 – (9 Energies)

Nuclear Tracker
Super Nuclear Tracker
Hermes Prophecy Arr 14
Chess Players Mirrors

SPHERE 6 – (7 Energies)

Goodbye Electro-Magnetics Arr 330
White-Tailed Spider Elixir
Arr 222
Lifestream Arr 186
Invasion Wizard Arr 260
Computer Chip
Replicant Spider

SPHERE 7 – (5 Energies)

Psychic Field Stress
Are You Talking to Me?
Pinocchio Transformation Puja
Politics of Experience Wizard Arr 255
Don’t Fence Me In Arr 231

SPHERE 8 – (5 Energies)

Geo Triplet
One-Pointed Driver
Boxes of Doors
The One Inside

SPHERE 9 – (5 Energies)

Quantum Vacuum Arr 192
Ripper Puja
Rocket Puja
Phantom Zone Puja
Big Black Hole Soak

SPHERE 10 – (5 Energies)

No Law for Negativity Arr 185
Black Magic Mother Spider Elixir
Death’s Head Spider
Mahamudra Spider Elixir
The Three Monkies

SPHERE 11 – (6 Energies)

Air Pollution
Choking Spider
O’Heart 15 Arr 225
Chemical Warfare Arr 183
Into the Black
Out of the Black

SPHERE 12 – (5 Energies)

Earth’s Magnetic Field Arr 331
Eta Carinae Elixir
Fire Bird Arr 202
Trail Blazer
Eternal Spire of Sound and Light

TOP SPHERE 13,  – (6 Energies)

Abraxas Cosmic Spider
Eyeless in Gaza
Feng Shui Wizard
Dark Clouds in Scorpius
Arr 242
Hidden Spider


RCsL Soulfire – Arr 168