The Israel Saturn Bubbler is on the move… and you are invited to be part of re-establishing it in it’s new sanctuary!
Sometimes Bubblers need to be moved. These moments are opportunities for us all to re-connect with the energy of a particular Bubbler and to celebrate their energy all over again. Every Bubbler has a unique set of esoteric Energies on it. Every Bubbler is a world of esoteric blessing unto itself! No matter how old a Bubbler is, their presence is an eternal ‘portal of light’ alive with Divine Radiance – forever radiating out to all beings to connect with and enjoy.
The re-establishment of the Israel Saturn Bubbler is an event that will be celebrated by many Heart Of Space Members all over the world. And you are invited to join in! But first… let us tell you a little about the Israel Bubbler…
A Little About Israel’s First Saturn Bubbler & Heart Of Space
The first esoteric energy to enter Israel was the Fractaliser – a key component in a Heart Of Space. Then a fundraiser was held to purchase a Saturn Bubbler for Israel in 2003. This event was met with such enthusiasm and heart – and people from all over the world donated to make this happen.
A phone conference with well over 100 people took place to ‘witness’ and feel the energy of the Bubbler entering Israel for the fist time. After that event, there was a gradual movement to complete the Heart of Space and many people again moved together to purchase a Traveling Bubbler to finally complete the Heart Of Space.
There was such a feeling of achievement that in addition to this, a Qualitative Evolution Bubbler was donated several years later! Israel was well placed with it’s esoteric current and the Heart Of Space Movement had begun there.
We have recently been in touch with the original Bubbler holder Judy, to hear more of
her story and see what is happening in Israel now with the Heart of Space.
“How can I begin to describe the wonder and delight of having the honour of holding a Heart of Space in this troubled area of the world? Seeing other people’s reaction to just seeing these wonderful energies reminds me of the wonderful set of synchronicities that brought me unknowingly to the exhibition in London those years ago where I was introduced to the energies, and then the Heart of Space to my home soon after.
Many years ago, I felt an unrelenting push to travel to London. I visit quite often as I have family there and even though I had no particular reason, I followed my heart. At the airport I met a friend who just happened to be flying to London as well and was headed to the Mind Body Spirit Expo which I didn’t even know was being held. I decided to join her and suddenly, laid eyes on a Travelling Bubbler. The lady there told me that The Travelling Bubbler was there to help clear the energy of all of London… “Well, we could really do with one of those in Israel” was my response. One thing lead to another and within 5 minutes, a Fractaliser had been generously donated to Israel, to come home with me! During the next few years I was blessed with a Saturn Bubbler, a Travelling Bubbler to complete the heart of Space, and in time a Qualitative Evolution Bubbler that replaced the Saturn Bubbler (which has travelled around a bit since then into a few peoples homes, as I hadn’t enough room and was happy to share with others).
“…as soon as we set the Saturn Bubbler up, the rain started for the fist time in a long time. And once it started, it went on and on and on… the Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberius, filled up for the first time in years!
An interesting thing I remember was that the year the Saturn Bubbler arrived, we had a serious drought here in Israel (and I remember there was one in Australia as well). I had requested energies for this to go on the Bubbler before it was sent here. And as soon as we set the Saturn Bubbler up, the rain for the fist time in a long time. And once it started, it went on and on and on… and the Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberius, filled up for the first time in years! In the 20 years since, this has only happened again now.
The Heart of Space is such a blessing and I think of the miracles that brought it to Israel and to my home with much gratitude and wonderment. I am eternally grateful for everyone who has made having a Heart of Space in Israel possible. We all hope and pray that these energies continue to be a source of pure light in this area and that this light will continue to expand and bring healing and peace to the Middle East and to the whole world.” — Judy Granit