Saturn Bubbler For San Francisco, Urgently Needed!

There is an important movement right now to help address San Francisco’s humanitarian crisis – with the establishment of a new Saturn Bubbler.

San Fran is enduring an ongoing homelessness and drug problem which has escalated exponentially over the last few years. This crisis seems to be little known around the world and particularly in the USA. Poverty and homelessness have always been big issue surrounding many major American cities, but the crisis appears to have reached levels en masse, never seen in the USA before.

Declared A Humanitarian Crisis!

The situation decline in San Francisco has been rapid and shocking! The homelessness and drug crisis has reached such a level that the city doesn’t seem to be able to address. Drug use, defecation and squalid conditions have become the ‘norm’, spilling into the central business and tourism districts. It is now impossible to travel through San Francisco’s downtown area, without seeing syringes all over the place. San Fran is ‘losing it’. There needs to be a sift in Consciousness now in order to help transform this entire situation! The human spirit needs to be re-inspired and re-awakened! There is enough wealth there to solve this situation. We need the human Heart to respond!

UN Report On San Francisco Homelessness

New York Times – San Francisco Homelessness

BBC – Homelessness In The USA

A Generous Heart Gesture To Kickstart…

A long time Heart Of Space Member, with connections to San Francisco, has made a generous initial contribution to the creation of a Saturn Bubbler for San Francisco. She’s asked the HOS movement, its members and friends from around the world, to help her and become a part of this movement – to create a Saturn Bubbler and help shift the Consciousness there, invoking Divine Intervention. Hermes Far Eastern Shining, the creator of the Alchymeic Artefacts, have also made a generous gesture to help in the creation of this Bubbler. The manufacture of the Bubbler is underway, but will need more support to complete.

Donate Today!

We have a wonderful home already lined up for the Saturn Bubbler in San Francisco already! We are calling all of our friends, particularly in the USA, to support this movement to get a Saturn Bubbler to San Francisco asap. Remember, the Heart Of Space and Bubblers are our Esoteric Solution!

The Status Of The Existing California Bubblers

Many years ago when the Bubblers were first being created, it was seen psychically that San Francisco needed many Saturn Bubblers to help purify the karmic history and energetic landscape there. Several people came forward and two purchased Saturn Bubblers for California. Unfortunately, one of those Heart friends passed away several years ago, and we were not able to establish contact with her family and facilitate the re-location of the Bubbler. Subsequently the Bubbler has since been missing and presumed dismantled, or destroyed by people who didn’t understand its esoteric nature and importance for California. So currently there is only one Saturn Bubbler standing in California, near San Francisco. We are pleased to report that this Bubbler is in good condition and being cared for with love and recognition.

 We are also happy to report that we have a wonderful, loving home for the forthcoming Saturn Bubbler, right in San Francisco! Being able to place the Artefacts so close to the city is a great news. We will keep you all posted as we progress. Please consider helping us make this happen now!

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