Spiritual Ecology Is The Heart Of Space…!

Spiritual Ecology Is The Heart Of Space…!

Spiritual ecology is an emerging field in conservation, academia, the spiritual movement and even religion, recognising that there is a spiritual facet to all issues related to conservation, environmentalism, and earth stewardship. Proponents of Spiritual Ecology assert a need for contemporary conservation work to include spiritual elements and for contemporary religion and spirituality to include awareness of and engagement in ecological issues.

Spiritual Ecology is a spiritual response to our present ecological crisis. It is a developing field that joins ecology and environmentalism with the awareness of the sacred within creation. It calls for responses to environmental issues that include spiritual awareness and/or practice. The principles of spiritual ecology are simple: In order to respond to such environmental issues as depletion of species, climate change, and over-consumption, humanity must examine and reassess our underlying attitudes and beliefs about the earth, and our spiritual as well as physical responsibilities toward the planet.

Esoteric Awakening Can Change The World

In Truth, we are all Only Energy. Everything transmits energy. Accordingly, every action has a reaction, an energetic effect. Thus, everything that everyone does affects the whole. It is known and acknowledged, even scientifically, that the Earth is ‘alive’ and like all living beings has its own energy field. It follows that all actions of humanity have a direct affect on the ‘energy field’ of the Earth itself. 

The Bubblers are designed to act as ‘vehicles’ or ‘beacons’ to ground the Divine Light. They are empowered through a profound process of Alchymie and thus hold the ‘Alchymeic Intention’ to radiate a vast energy across an entire state or small country. This current of energy is intended to allow a powerful force of energetic clearing and restoration and to purify and lighten the psychic density that many people feel as a consequence of living in the world at this time.

Alchymie – The Supreme Science Of Spiritual Ecology

“…We have reached a critical phase in the history of humankind, where the earth plane itself can no longer tolerate the outcome of actions that are made from that which is less than love. Lifetimes of actions motivated by greed and separative desiring have taken a toll that we stand witness to at this present time and the impact can be detailed and is being detailed in many reports across this world. We have arrived at a moment where the very vibration of our actions is having disastrous outcomes… The fabric of human life and the very place in which we have been given to grow stands on a threshold, quivering in time and space under the weight of all of the previous actions that have been made. As a result, the warring, the polluting, the ignorance, the exploitation, the devastation, the greed, the utter unconsciousness has had an irretrievably negative impact on the earth as a living organism and with this has also come a disintegration of human morality. ” 

Read about Why We Need The Heart Of Space

The Saturn Bubblers – Releasing & Restoring Earths Fragile Energy Network 

The Saturn Bubbler particularly is a profound energy response to the need for ‘earth healing’ at this time.

Here is a list of the Generic ‘Environmental Energies’ that are on most of the Saturn Bubblers worldwide. The Saturn Bubblers are a ‘living’ Divine manifestation – a ‘Light’ response to support the fragile balance on the earth plan right now. Therefore, they also respond to your ‘invocation’ or invitation. This means that you can energetically call out to them via your feeling connection, invoking them and breathe the energy of their blessing presence. They WILL respond.

– Nuclear Radiation Wizard
– Climate Change
– Negative Terraformer
– Earth Works
– Ocean Currents
– Strange Attractor
– Weather Extremes
– Mother Earth
– Fracking Angle
– Rainmaker Wizard
– Drought Daemon Wizard
– Sunworks – Arranging 243
– Antarctic Polar Vortex Elixir
– Arctic Polar Vortex Elixir
– Ozone Layer

More About The Saturn Bubblers

The Saturn Bubblers have been felt to bless all living beings with the energy of Divine Light by allowing the touch of the Divine hand upon the earth plane itself. Given sufficient numbers of Saturn Bubblers, this force of Light may have the capacity to make amends for the consequences from the Age of Darkness that has obviously prevailed and resulted in profound wounds to this world.

It has been seen energetically with each Saturn Bubbler that a network of golden threads appears. These threads move with the intention to suture the earth of the wounds that exist and are the result of the failure of humanity to live as responsible agency for Light and Love. Whenever additional Saturn Bubblers are brought into existence, the golden threads appear to communicate and support one another, creating an amplified network of healing power.

For those who are sensitive to energy, simply sitting in the presence of a Bubbler or Heart Of Space can be a powerful and moving experience. Everyday all over the world, people gather to sit, receive and meditate with the energy of the Heart Of Space. To further receive the energy, you can pass a glass of water over the spheres. As water holds memory, drinking this may further enhance the reception of the Saturn Bubbler’s energy. Often people with Saturn Bubblers’ ‘empower’ bottles of water in this way and pass them on to friends and family to receive this blessing.

May there yet be time to allow mankind the possibility to exist and live beyond the world as it now exists and to usher in the Age of Light.

‘Blessed Art’

The appearance of the Saturn Bubbler is exquisite. Based upon their unique aesthetic beauty, they have been described as ‘Blessed Art’. They are comprised of hand blown, liquid filled glass spheres with highly polished acrylic tubes on a turntable base. Each glass sphere holds a set of alchymeic energies that work together to form the overall energetic structure of the Saturn Bubbler. Given the uniqueness of each country or state, different energies are then added to address the specific ‘karma’ or ‘energy’ of that particular place. When installed, the Saturn Bubblers radiate a vast energy field, designated by their geographical location and the placement of a map within the central column of the Bubbler.

Here’s a writing about the intention of the Bubbler

“The ‘mind’ is an activity not a ‘something’ and clearly this activity is somehow at odds with all our living processes since there is very little to no activity of human beings that is not at some level negative to the natural order of events. We fail to recognise that many of our actions are essentially negative and so we pile error upon error as we seek solutions to earlier failed solutions that pose certain ‘difficulties’ in them- selves.

The ‘true’ view sees ourselves as part of the flow of natural activity and in this disposition our movement is at one with all other engagements. The Saturn Bubbler, stems from the ‘true’ structure of this ‘place’ and is a vast energy configuration made of rotating spheres of energy that revolve around each other with the alchymeic intention of interacting with the world environment to dissolve the architecture of pollution.” – Jessa O’My Heart, The Alchymist.

Esotericism The Open Secret

Here is an in-depth article written to help people feel what ‘esoteric’ means and how we must awakening to this whole new way of living from the ‘feeling dimension’ of existence. And this is precicly what the Heart of Space and Bubblers are working to bring about for all beings.

“Esoteric is impossible to define. Esoteric is simply not accessible by the usual mind. It is an open secret, because there are no eyes to see, no ears to hear. Everything is ensconced within the rational degeneration of reason, wherein we are unable to see that all of this that appears to be – the world, the universe – is the projection that is our own radiance. There is no universal discourse wherein we can speak to the usual man or woman. The esoteric requires an unfathomable new form of communication, where we are dealing with the essence of things and not the mere appearance of things. The esoteric essence of all phenomena is apparent to synthesis intelligence, which completely confounds the cerebral intelligence of the usual man or woman. Everything is seen, apparently, but everything remains shrouded in an unfathomable mystery. We are unable to merely pull aside a curtain of obscurity. This cerebral mind is at war with the heart of Truth. For the heart, the world of the cerebral mind does not exist. For the cerebral mind the world of the heart does not exist. Hence the world of the cerebral mind is the fulfilment of the Hermes Prophecy, where those who stand as the heart are condemned as madmen and fools and all that is abroad in the land is an ever-descending evil. Nevertheless there will come a time when the heart’s Truth is the master of this domain.”

Jessa O’My Heart – The Alchymist

Two Exciting Projects To Kickstart The Year

Two Exciting Projects To Kickstart The Year

The Heart of Space Movement has several special projects that it is supporting.

These are the Bubblers that were upgraded in 2022. Sometimes when we have appropriate candidates to receive Bubblers in the same area as an upgraded Bubbler, we fundraise to get a new Base for the previous spheres. This is the case with both of these projects and we are delighted to present them to you, and ask for your help to make this happen.

The Wisconsin Saturn Bubbler

This Bubbler was the FIRST Saturn Bubbler ever to enter the USA. Its spheres were upgraded at the beginning of 2022 and our ‘Bubbler Holder To Be’ already as the previous spheres, a table with a photograph of a Bubbler on it, awaiting its completion.

A Singapore Saturn Bubbler

The Singapore Saturn Bubbler was originally installed 2001 and received an upgrade in December last year. This Bubbler is currently the only one in Singapore. They are ready to have another bubbler using the original spheres and a new base.



January Heart Of Space Week Dates & Links

January Heart Of Space Week Dates & Links

Welcome to Heart Of Space Week

A quarterly worldwide unity meditation / prayer
utilising the Heart of Space Presence

We can’t want to kickstart this week-long world-wide meditation/prayer for transformation, healing and awakening. If you haven’t registered for one of our free zoom events, click on the link below and come and be a part of the esoteric solution.

Join One Or All 5 Zooms
Receive The Nourishment, Restoration & Renewal

These events are a worldwide meditation – feeling and supporting each other in love as we pass through this profound transition globally. We have a great opportunity in front of us as humans. These Zooms are a great way to get the necessary energetic support and strength we all need now.

Times & Zoom Links

Here are the time zones and zoom links for you to register. All Welcome!
*Make sure you click on the ‘link’ and register for each gathering you wish to join!
Come join in this extraordinary event and be a part of the true ‘Esoteric revolution’ taking place at this time

What Is ‘Heart Of Space Week’?

‘Heart Of Space Week’ is a week long celebration of the Heart Of Space. Traditionally we invite people to come together wherever they can to visit the Bubblers and participate with the energy directly. However, because of the current ‘social-distancing’ worldwide, these events are going to be held on Zoom. We do invite our Bubbler holders to gather people where they can, however everyone is welcome to join in wherever you are. During Heart of Space Week, five Zoom events will take place – one for each major region/time zone of the planet where there are Bubblers and Heart of Space. These gatherings provide support and energetic healing, transformation and awakening worldwide as well as bringing a deep restorative blessing for the earth plane itself! Coming together in unity to breathe, meditate & pray is the greatest thing we can be doing. Having access to the amazing Heart Of Space energies is a profound gift in accelerating this shift now! Come and be a part of the ‘Esoteric Solution’. Breathe, Meditate, Pray! *All five zoom links are available to everyone worldwide and everyone is invited to participate on as many zooms as possible!

What You Need To Know In Order To Join In?

All you need is an open heart, a willingness to participate in a spiritual, transformative, unity event with your ‘heart friends’ around the world,  and bring your energy, love and desire for growth and healing worldwide. That’s it! (*Well there are a couple of ‘practical’ things, like being in a quiet space free from distractions and being comfortable etc… but we’ll send all registrants a detailed list of how to prepare).

What you do ‘DOES’ make a difference!

No this isn’t a joke… as humans we must now more than ever be willing to awaken to greater and greater levels of compassion, tolerance, transcendence and forgiveness. We must truly begin to awaken as a loving, healing presence in this world.

This week as part of our worldwide meditation and prayer, we ask you to find ways to extend yourself more, by ‘turning out’ beyond your own enclosure, and actively help and support others. It might be as simple as saying hello to that neighbour that you’ve never connected with, or checking in with someone who you feel might be lonely or isolated at this time. It might be as simple as praising someone for something they do that you feel goes completely un-noticed… However you do it, make sure your gestures are full of heart feeling and love, sincerity and care. In this way, we truly do begin to allow the Divine blessing presence to be felt, and we do begin to function as angels in this world. The world needs us to be this healing presence now!

How To Participate In Heart of Space Week

1. Join One Or All Five Zooms

This week there are 5 Zoom gatherings happening – one for each major time zone worldwide. People from all over the world will be connecting with each other via these Zooms, learning more about the Alchymie of the Heart of Space, and feeling the support of the Unity Consciousness when large gatherings like this happen. Come and connect with all others celebrating this shift in consciousness!

2. Visit A Heart Of Space

There are many Heart Of Space centres all over the world. Often those holding them are delighted to share the energy of their Heart Of Space with others. If  you’d like to visit a Heart of Space or even just to see where the nearest Heart Of Space is to you, send us a message via our contact page and we will do everything we can to help facilitate your visit to a Heart Of Space.

3. Practice A Daily Meditation & Prayer

We deeply encourage everyone to make the most of the increased intensity of the current this week by adding detail to your daily practice. Regardless of whether you do a daily meditation and energy work already, there’s always space to increate what you are doing

The ‘Practice’ of meditating with, and ‘feeling’ the Heart Of Space Presence

No matter how small or insignificant you might feel you are in the grand scheme of things, every human has a very important role to play in the great esoteric, spiritual transition taking place on earth at this time.

Believe it or not, your very presence – energy and attention – acts like a ’super powerful energy conductor ’broadcasting’ your current state of being to the universe. So no matter how small you feel you might be, the truth is that you are a powerful energy being capable of great love, strength, intuition and awakening. Therefore, it is really important for you to have at least some kind of daily personal practice.

If you need guidance on how to establish a daily practice, here’s a wonderful article about connecting with the Heart Of Space presence that can help. It also has a really simple yet brilliant daily breath and attention practice we encourage you to try.

January Heart of Space Week Links

January Heart of Space Week Links

Our quarterly Heart Of Space Meditation/Prayers are connecting people with the Heart Of Space Presence around the world, in unity, continual energy work & prayer. This is an extraordinary opportunity to bring people like you together with others who are ready for the ‘real work’, to inspire real healing and restoration, & to support the great transition taking place on the planet.

Come join our quarterly Heart gatherings. All welcome!

January / April / July / October

January 2023
Heart Of Spaces Week Registration Links

(*Click images to register and attend)

These gatherings are an opportunity to receive a powerful psychic clearing, alignment and restoration, as well as help you connect to the ‘bigger picture’, the ‘Universal Hermetic Presence’. Our commitment to help everyone at this time is to hold these gatherings for all regions of the world! We invite you to make this commitment and join us.
*Join any and all gatherings regardless of what region you are in. Even participate in more than one. Let us grow this ersoteric current together.

Congratulations Singapore!

Congratulations Singapore!

A huge congratulations to our friends in Singapore who installed their new Saturn Bubbler last Saturday 🙂 Look at these radiant folk!!!

Thank you again to all of our amazing Herat Of Space holders and participants all over the earth who are taking the time to meditate with, breathe and feel this Heart Of Space Presence. We’ve got big plans for the Heart Of Space Movement in 2023. Stay tuned for the dates on our January Heart Of Space gatherings to kickstart the energy of the year!